March 17th, 7:00pm: Spaghetti Dinner at RIOT for Haiti Fundraiser. $5 adult, $3 kids. Cakes needed for cake auction- see Lynda Breeden if you have baking skills!

Building Fund: #BuildLife has been launched, please continue turning in your pledges; consider paying them in full with your income tax return!

Men’s Bible Study: Tuesdays at 6:30 led by Billy Phillips at Revive.

FINDING I AM: Study by Lysa Terkeurst. Hosted by Angela Cummins on Monday nights at 7pm.

“GET REAL”: Begins March 5. Hosted by Kelli Phillips at Revive for *Adult Ladies only* 7-8pm.

Good News Club: Sign up sheet at the Hub, Mondays 3-5 at DRE from 3/6-4/3.

Haiti Mission Trip: June 23-30. 2/23:$100 deposit 3/26:$800 Airfare 5/7:$700 lodging & food 6/23:$100 spending cash. See Lynda Breeden.

VAN DRIVERS WANTED: Do you have a driver’s license? Have you been looking for a way to help serve? Revive wants YOU! To help drive the van. Sunday mornings and after service, Lions & Lambs and Youth nights! If interested please see Pastor Josh or Pastor Earl.

Revive has a church bus! If you need a ride you can contact Matt Hall at 513-706-3830.

Youth at 6pm on Thursday’s at RIOT. If you do not need a ride to Youth please let Pastor Matt, Amanda or Greg Saylor know.

Lions & Lambs at 6pm on Tuesday’s at RIOT

Revive sends backpacks filled with food for the weekend to families in need in our school system. We are in need of pop-tarts, cereal bars, flavor-packs for water, fruit snacks, applesauce, ramen noodles, etc. You can drop off donated items at church every Sunday.

Jail ministry program: We are receiving letters back from inmates! Send letters to inmates that need encouragement. If you are interested in writing a letter, there will be a station set up each week at church. If you know someone in need of letters See Jerry Breeden.

MentorHope is always looking for mentors, see Chris Barker.

Children’s Church is in need of volunteers, if you are interested in committing to one Sunday on a rotation, see Chris Barker, Katy Hoffman or Tina Walters.

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